Are the Long-Term Impacts of AI Really “Unknown”?

Despite the hype surrounding AI, a writer for The Guardian says we still don’t know what the long-term impact of AI will be.


We don’t know what the world will look like in 20-50 years.

But the experts…those building AI, like Sam Altman and Kai Fu Lee…say AI will automate practically everything and that financial solutions like universal basic income (UBI) are the answer.

But even today, the last day of 2023, barely a year after ChatGPT was introduced, it’s clear that AI is already fueling massive automation.

Google, for instance, recently announced that, thanks to AI, a number of jobs in their 30,000-person ad sales department are now redundant.

Who knows how many jobs will be on the chopping block? Hundreds? Thousands?

I’ve always been a believer in automation companies like UiPath, AutomationAnywhere, and WalkMe, but now I’m even more bullish.

If any company stands to profit from an automation revolution, it will, of course, be automation companies.

The performance of companies like UiPath and WalkMe hasn’t been so great the past two years, but they’ve been skirting what I hope is the bottom of a couple-year dip.

They have already been pioneers of innovation, developing functional, useful chatbots well before OpenAI came along. GenAI might be the catalyst that enables them to create new products that launch their companies into the stratosphere.

Google’s upcoming AI-fueled layoff plan:

UIPath releases GenAI offerings:

WalkMe’s Q3FY23 results:

AI’s long-term impacts are still a big unknown:

Kai Fu Lee’s must-read book on AI & UBI (attached cognitive labor automation chart from his book):

Sam Altman on the future of AI & why tax reform is the answer:

Nathan T Warne
Nathan T Warne
Nathan is a content specialist and marketer with over a decade of experience working in SEO, IT, automation, and marketing. He provides full-service content marketing solutions to businesses of all sizes.

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