Google to Restructure 30,000-Person Ad Sales Unit. Layoffs Possible.

The Information reported that Google plans to restructure its 30,000-person ad sales unit.

Per Ars Technica, however, it’s a “restructuring” that will “consolidate staff, including through possible layoffs, by reassigning employees at its large customer sales unit who oversee relationships with major advertisers.”

They close by saying that, as of a year ago, Google had about 13,500 people devoted to the kind of sales work that can currently be performed by AI.

While many sources flat out say that Google “plans” to lay of 30,000 people, Ars Technica says that these “13,500 people aren’t necessarily all going to be affected, and those who are won’t necessarily be laid off—they could be reassigned to other areas in Google.”

This CNBC website, for instance, proclaims in their headline that Google is likely to lay off 30,000 employees, then in their text they tone it down by saying, “Google is considering a substantial workforce reduction, potentially affecting up to 30,000 employees.”

So which is it?

I understand that we live in the age of clicks, but of all sources, news sites should be responsible for accurate reporting.

Nathan T Warne
Nathan T Warne
Nathan is a content specialist and marketer with over a decade of experience working in SEO, IT, automation, and marketing. He provides full-service content marketing solutions to businesses of all sizes.

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